HOPE Christian School is embarking on an exciting journey to expand and revitalize the high school campus it has called home for over 30 years. This effort will unfold in five consecutive phases over a span of five years and encompass approximately 111,000 square feet, over 88,000 of which will be new construction. The primary objective is to replace and/or renovate all existing structures on the campus, presently comprised of aging portables and prefabricated metal buildings, to establish an enduring, secure, and state-of-the-art facility.
The comprehensive plan, meticulously crafted by ROMA Architecture (formerly Jon Anderson Architecture, the same firm that designed HOPE’s middle school and elementary buildings) in close collaboration with HOPE's leadership and staff, endeavors to maintain the vital spirit and sense of community that already thrives on the current campus. Simultaneously, it will provide the modern infrastructure essential to support HOPE's dedication to delivering Christ-centered education of the highest caliber for future generations of students.
This transformative project will introduce a range of enhancements, including:
a new central student commons and event space
22 modern core-learning classrooms
10 specialized classrooms dedicated to the arts and sciences
Updated administrative facilities
An improved visitor experience
A high-tech library/media center
A 450-seat theater, and
A new collegiate-sized gym
Improved parking, pick-up/drop-off and circulation areas
The project's phased approach has been strategically sequenced to maintain a safe and secure campus throughout construction while minimizing disruption to school operations. Furthermore, from the early planning stages a core objective has been to preserve and expand HOPE's beautiful existing courtyard, reimagining it as a mini college-style "mall" at the heart of the school. This invaluable asset, with its lush grass and mature shade trees, will continue to offer students the benefits of time spent outdoors within our pristine high-desert climate.
Together, we can create a hub of learning and community that truly reflects our unwavering commitment to the future.
In 1976, this quote on a banner hung in the HOPE gym as a reminder of the faithfulness of God. At the time, nobody believed that a Christian school unaffiliated with a specific church or denominational was viable. HOPE's founders believed God was calling them to start one. They believed He was telling them to move, sothey did. Nearly 50 years later, God remains faithful to the mission and vision of HOPE. We believe He is telling us to move again. So we are!